Social Retainer Feed
2023 -|Content Creation|Copywriting|Visual Development
yuu is a popular app in Hong Kong that enables customers to earn points and redeem personalised offers from a wide range of shops and restaurants. It also allows users to purchase delivery groceries, insurance and travel necessities. The app has gained significant attention in Hong Kong once it was launched and become a topic of widespread discussions on online forums, particularly due to its catchy theme song which many consider to have a brainwashing effect.
The appeal of yuu lies in its unique approach of allowing users to earn points while having fun, which resonates strongly to the spirit of Hong Kong people, who are renowned for their street-smartness and thriftiness. To reinforce this relatable image, the brand's social media pages strive to portray a down-to-earth, quick-witted and friendly persona. This is achieved through the re-creation of memes and wordplays using local slangs and idioms. Additionally, the brand actively engages with its merchant partner's social media platforms, such as IKEA Hong Kong, to generate viral content and attract more online followers.
One of the most prominent and engaging content pillars on the brand's social media pages is called "#yuuIncidents", which employ comical illustrations as its main visual style. The term "yuu" sounds similar to a Cantonese word that means "embarrassing". Therefore, the comics under this pillar revolve around hilariously embarrassing incidents that people encounter in their daily lives while shopping, attending parties or playing games.