MakerBay Foundation
"Impact Innovation Lab" Video Production
2023|Animation|Scriptwriting|VO Recording
MakerBay Foundation is a non-profit innovation organisation. Their annual "Impact Innovation Lab" is a programme for potential social innovators to develop and actualise their ideas with support from experts across the fields, resources from a well-developed market space, as well as seed capital of up to HK$100,000. We were assigned to produce an animation video for the programme's social media platform to help promote its vision and objective.
MakerBay Foundation is a non-profit innovation organisation. Their annual "Impact Innovation Lab" is a programme for potential social innovators to develop and actualise their ideas with support from experts across the fields, resources from a well-developed market space, as well as seed capital of up to HK$100,000. We were assigned to produce an animation video for the programme's social media platform to help promote its vision and objective.
After digesting the programme's vision and objective, we came up with a premise - "Don't Think! Just Do". In the video, we invited the audience to imagine what a world would be like if great inventors in the past had not taken actions to actualise their innovative ideas. We intended to encourage people to take action no matter how crazy or preliminary their ideas are as we believe practice and experiences are more important. We also invited Phaedrus Lam, a content creator of Mill MILK, to record the voice-over for the video.
After digesting the programme's vision and objective, we came up with a premise - "Don't Think! Just Do". In the video, we invited the audience to imagine what a world would be like if great inventors in the past had not taken actions to actualise their innovative ideas. We intended to encourage people to take action no matter how crazy or preliminary their ideas are as we believe practice and experiences are more important. We also invited Phaedrus Lam, a content creator of Mill MILK, to record the voice-over for the video.
The video has helped widen the programme's exposure online and drew applications from young innovators. Connecting Phaedrus to be the voice-over artist also helped build a relationship between the client and other media for furthur promotions.
The video has helped widen the programme's exposure online and drew applications from young innovators. Connecting Phaedrus to be the voice-over artist also helped build a relationship between the client and other media for furthur promotions.
Voice-over Script:
Ever thought about what we would become now
Ever thought about what we would become now
If everyone in this world only has only ideas but no actions?
If everyone in this world only has only ideas but no actions?
Wanna fly? But the Wright brothers did nothing
Wanna fly? But the Wright brothers did nothing
Wanna get everything done with just one gadget?
Wanna get everything done with just one gadget?
但Steve Jobs齋諗唔做
But Steve Jobs did nothing
But Steve Jobs did nothing
Wanna have six packs
Wanna have six packs
Wanna quit the job
Wanna quit the job
Wanna make everyone around you happy
Wanna make everyone around you happy
Wanna live on a prettier planet
Wanna live on a prettier planet
But still, you do nothing
But still, you do nothing
Wanna be able to see in the dark?
Wanna be able to see in the dark?
But Thomas Edison did nothing
But Thomas Edison did nothing
Hey! Turn the lights back on
Hey! Turn the lights back on
Wanna be the Best Actress one day
Wanna be the Best Actress one day
You, again, do nothing
You, again, do nothing
(Hey, time for laundry!)
(Hey, time for laundry!)
What if years ago when your Dad wanted to propose to your Mum
What if years ago when your Dad wanted to propose to your Mum
But ended up doing nothing
But ended up doing nothing
Hey! Are you really still thinking?
Hey! Are you really still thinking?
Having only ideas is not a bad thing
Having only ideas is not a bad thing
But you should try acting on them
But you should try acting on them
No matter how crazy your ideas are
No matter how crazy your ideas are
Even though those ideas may not work
Even though those ideas may not work
You must fail if you never try
You must fail if you never try
It's important to have both ideas and actions
It's important to have both ideas and actions
You can be the next one to change the world
You can be the next one to change the world